
You're the Cutest

About 8 months ago I went over to a friend's house and discovered that she had purchased hooks to hang her dog leashes and stuff on that had cute little frames over top.  I'm not sure how long she'd had them up for, but they still had the pictures in that they came with!  Um, hello!  Girl with a camera over here.

So today, I finally made it out to photograph her crew.  Well part of her crew.  I only managed to get pictures of her 7 dogs.  I didn't even glance at her cats, and even her newborn baby Noah didn't get more than a quick hello.  I was too busy watching the doggie chaos around me.  In 50 minutes, I managed to fill up 3 of my camera cards.

I think they are going to get more than one blog post but I thought I'd at least introduce them all...

First up is Sophie.  Sophie is a sweet golden who unfortunately hasn't been feeling the best these last few weeks.  In fact she gave everyone quite a scare last week and she still has her bad days, but she is still having some good ones too.

Baylee had me at hello.  I just love her scruffy wildness!  Baylee had been left behind at an "Odd and Unusual" Auction and Bobbi couldn't just walk away from her.

Roxy is the tiniest chihuahua ever!  And she had the goofiest expressions.  I could have photographed her all day.

Alfie is the most recent arrival and while he isn't technically Bobbi's, he seems to have adopted her.  I'm not sure what his mix is, but he was fun and feisty and reminded me quite a bit of a border collie at times, although he is not nearly as big as one.

Casey spent most of the time off exploring and looking for poo to roll in but near the end he discovered I had food... and was doing everything in his power to convince me to give it to him. He even resorted to begging and pleading.

Zoey realized immediately that I had food and she followed me around giving me the sweetest expressions that I couldn't resist.  I'm sure she gained 2 pounds in the time I was there.

And last, but not least was Jessi.  She had just been groomed the day before and was still a little miffed at the situation.  It took her the longest to decide I was trust worthy, but she too was eventually won over by cookies.

Every time I looked down there was a cute dog at my feet so I told them "I think you are the cutest".  In the end, I must have told them all that.  They were all so different, yet all so cute!  No wonder Bobbi ended up with 7 dogs.