
The Sweetest Smile

Roxy is probably one of the tiniest Chihuahua's you'll ever meet.  She could easily perch in your hand and Bobbi said when she got her, she was able to easily curl up in the palm of her hand.  She can't weigh any more than a pound or two.

She's been taking lessons from her brother Casey on begging but she doesn't quite have his same finesse.

But none-the-less, she has her ways of melting your heart and passing over the goods.

She definitely had the starving look down pat too.

But she wasn't all about the food.  Well she was mainly about the food, but I did manage to catch her in action too.

You gotta love that cute little tongue.  She doesn't have a lot of teeth so it sneaks out a little more than usual.  But the lack of teeth gives her the sweetest smile.